Our Services

Register and Distribute your music worldwide

We collect performing royalties and mechanical royalties, from various sources such as distribution, public performing, derivative works, public display, and digital transmission. These royalties are then distributed among our prestige songwriters.

APRA AMCOS (Australasian Performing Right Association and Australasian Mechanical Copyright Owners Society) is our main CMO (Collective Management Organisation), and they provide us with support to register and amend copyright information relating to creations and songwriters. In addition, CeyMusic will protect your creations from misuse and infringement around the globe, and collect royalties appropriately and accurately through APRA AMCOS, giving you peace of mind.

You can release your music on Spotify, Apple Music, Deezer, Amazon, TikTok, Instagram and more, reaching new audiences & fans across the biggest global platforms. Refer to our store guide below to discover where listeners can stream and download your music when you release with CeyMusic.



Register yourself as a writer and submit your compositions to activate unpaid royalties from music streaming platforms and collection societies in over 200 countries

Upload Your

We use our release builder to create unlimited single or album releases. We then upload your tracks, artwork and all the important information about your release, including which platforms your fans can listen on.

Release The Music On all

When we have uploaded your release, we will check to make sure it adheres to the guidelines set by platforms like Apple Music & Spotify. We will then send it to all your chosen music stores and give you the link so your fans can access it.

You Get

Once your release date arrives and your music is out there, you will make money every time it’s streamed or downloaded.